Preparing to Leave for the Amber Temple
The day begins at the ruins of the windmill. The more perceptive members of the party notices that the foul atmosphere around the windmill had weakened overnight, resulting in the return of some much-needed greenery around the windmill.
The party collects their thoughts and heads back to Vallaki, with plans to set off toward the amber temple the next day. The travel is mostly uneventful. Cinna is a bit distracted and keeps to herself. Arriving in Vallaki, Bart receives word to visit Nikolaj, who expresses some concern about the slow pace at which their plan to change the rule in Barovia is proceeding. Bart ensures their sponsor of the plans proceeding on schedule, while Cinna teaches Geoff, how to fly outside of town. Afterward, the rest of the party reconvenes at the Blue Water Inn. Xuza briefs Urwin on the contents of Strahd’s journal and decides to give it to Cinna for reading. The party settles in for the night, hoping to get an early start the following day.