outreach & other activities

list of my outreach and other key accademic merits

Science Outreach

Media Appearances

I was interviewed by the Finish Broadcasting Company for a podcast on the Trustworthiness of AI.

Meet a Researcher & Mene ja Tiedä

In 2023 - 2024 I was a a board member of Young Academy of Finland in charge of science outreach. As part of that position I am involved with developing and maintaining the meet a researcher initiative that coordinates research visits to schools. The service is very popular, in 2023 year we organized 600 visits and reached over 10 000 students. In early 2024 I participated in the EDUCA conference with the aim of increasing awareness of the service.

I was also involved in launching [Mene ja Tiedä][https://menejatieda.fi/], a science journal aimed at high school students that seeks to publish summaries of scientific papers written in Finnish and Swedish for high school students. My abstract on proof-logging combinatorial optimization algorithms was among the first ones ever published.


Since 2020 I have been a member of the steering group of UniJunior a cross-disciplinary project led by Professor Gunilla Holm that studies science workshops for children ages 9-12 as learning environments.

We organize about 10 workshops annually for about 20 children. Each workshop is led by a researcher in some specific subject and aims to encourage an interest in science in the children. Personally I have organized 4 different workshops:

Positions of Trust Based on Scientific Merit

  • In 2023-2024 I am a board member of Young Academy Finland, an invite-only society for young researchers that invites one computer science researcher per year based on scientific merit.
  • Since 2021 I have been a board member of Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS), the official member society of Present Finland in the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI).
  • Since 2020 I have been an expert member of PhD Research Scholarship Selection Committee of Nylands Nation, a student organization at University of Helsinki that awards EUR 250k in scholarships annually

Conference Organization


Competition Organization

  • SInce 2019 I have been one of the organizer of the annual MaxSAT Evaluations, the de-facto international event for evaluating the performance of state-of-the-art MaxSAT solvers.