Game Jamming
at FGJ and GGJ
The goal with a “game jam” is similar to that of a (musical) jam session, to come together and make a videogame, or a non-digital (analog) game like a board game or card game. Participants rapidly prototype game designs and inject new ideas to help inspire and grow the global game industry. Every game jam has a theme that is shared by all participants.
I have participated in the Global Game Jam in total four times between 2015 and 2021. Each tiem I’ve had a ton of fun. Thank you everyone who I have jamed with.
Here are some example gameplay videos from (the more visually impressive) games I’ve been a part of making. A full list of the game I have joined in making can be found on my profile pageon the GGJ site.
2021 Marco Polo
You can try Marco Polo online (in your browser) at
2018 Laborinth
If you want to try laborinth for yourself, I reccomend the newest version in which we’ve fixed the lag issues that can be observed in the video.