grants & awards

A list of the most significant ones. I am honoured and grateful to have received each one.

My PhD thesis was recognized by the formeost international representative organization in the research field of constraint programming.

Research Grants

  • Research Council of Finland, Academy Research Fellowship, Cracking the Crux of Combinatorial Optimization September 1 2024 - August 31 2024, 860 000€
  • Research Council of Finland, postdoctoral researcher grant. Next-Generation Trustworthy Constraint Optimisation, September 1 2021 - August 31 2024, 250 000€
  • Sallaried four-year position at the Doctoral School of Computer Science of the University of Helsinki,
    160 000€


  • ACP Doctoral Research Award of 2020. Awarded by the association for constraint programming.
    • My acceptance presentation can be found on youtube
    • The University of Helsinkis news item on the award can be found here
  • Best Paper award at SAT 2020 for the paper Abstract Cores in Implicit Hitting Set MaxSat solving
    In 2021 I gave a seminar presentation on IHS and abstract core in the MIAO seminar.
  • The University of Helsinki best doctoral dissertation award of 2018, 4000€
  • An outstanding thesis award, Doctoral School of Natural Sciences, University of Helsinki, 2018, 1000€
  • Best Junior Researcher of the year, Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki, 2017
  • Grant for successful Doctoral Studies, Nokia Foundation, 2017, 5000€
  • Grant for successful Doctoral Studies, Emil Aaltonen Foundation, 2015, 5000€
  • Student Grant, Nylands Nation, a student association at the University of Helsinki, 2015, 1500€

Travel Grants

  • Travel Grant awarded by the SAT Association to attend 20th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing, 2017
  • Travel Grant awarded by the Association for Constraint Programming to attend 23th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, 2017
  • Travel Grant awarded by the Association for Constraint Programming to attend 22th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, 2016
  • Travel Grant awarded by the IJCAI Travel Grant Program to attend 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2015
  • Travel Grant awarded by the Federated Logic Conference FLoC to attend, FLoC Vienna Summer of Logic, 2014
  • Travel Grant awarded by the Association for Constraint Programming to attend The 20th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, 2014